Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's Official, I am moving to Korea...In 2 Months

Korea, here I come! I have officially accepted the position in Ulsan. It feels weird to type that actually.

Let's backtrack a bit so you can get the full story. I think we left off with me being neurotic and wanting to hear back instantly (haha). I was hoping to hear back Sunday night my time, as it would be Monday morning there but had no such luck. Monday evening I ended up picking up a shift at work until midnight and afterwards checked my email of course with no news. I was okay with this and had thought at that point that maybe the other interview she had went better than mine and I was going to have to continue my search. At around 1:00 AM I received an email stating that the director wants to work with me and a contract was attached. At this point I had to go onto my actual computer because I just didn't believe that it was true. Silly of me to think the email application on my phone would lie to me... Anyways, I read over the contract and was quite pleased with everything and knew (more so) that I really wanted this job and was going to accept. At this point it was now close to 2:00 AM and had no one to tell! It was killing me a little bit. I made sure that I messaged my Momma over Facebook because she would be getting home at 7:00 AM as she works nights and I knew that if she wasn't the first person I told, I would be in trouble! Funny enough, my Dad was one of the last people I told (Sorry Dad!).

As far as I know now, My contract runs from November 12, 2012 to November 11, 2013. November seems far away right now, but I am sure the next ten weeks are going to fly by. There is quite a bit I need to do to prepare and people I want to see before I go! Currently I just have to wait for my Criminal Records Check to come in before I can do anything else to get started on preparing documents to get my E2 Visa. I will be sure to keep everyone updated with this process and anything exciting that happens!

Side note, I treated myself and bought an e-reader which came in the mail today. I LOVE IT. It is going to be great for travelling.

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