Tuesday, September 4, 2012


So I am standing at my till at work today just staring off because there were no customers at that moment and what do I lay my eyes on? A table of socks. And then it dawns on me...HOW MANY PAIRS OF SOCKS DO I TAKE WITH ME FOR A YEAR? I have NO idea. Then of course my mind goes through everything else and how many or how much do I need. How often do I go through a stick of deodorant? No idea. How much toothpaste do I use in a year...and so on. I had a mini panic attack at that moment but it soon passed as I calmed myself down and decided, WHO CARES?

I will guestimate what I need and take that and try to keep within my weight limits. If needed Mom and Dad can send me what I need. I feel like this mindset will only last so long and I will become a basket case while actually packing...but let's not think about that right now.

I have no other news to report as of yet, still waiting to get my Criminal Records Check. Then let the notarizing begin!

Followed by a visit to the Korean Consulate...

For those of you reading this who don't actually know me, I am not a crazy person...maybe just a little quirky ;)

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