Thursday, August 23, 2012

Another Interview?!

It's after midnight and I decide that I should try to get to bed considering I have to work at 9am tomorrow morning. However, being as neurotic as I am, I have to check my email every time I hear my phone buzz. No response yet from the job in Gimhae, BUT another contact of my Teacher Representative emailed me with a job opportunity in Ulsan, South Korea. Ulsan is also on the coast and is very close to Busan (Yay!). Again this job would start early November, working hours 1:30-8:30 pm. The only "catch" is that I would have a roommate to live with for my accommodations. The roommate would be Korean, but also teaching English. Yes, this might have a downfall when I want to be "alone", but I feel like she would be great to have around as a resource and someone to spend time with. I heard from my interview last night that it is easy to get bored and lonely and having a roommate would definitely help with that. Maybe she can even teach me some Korean!! Anyways, I have the interview tomorrow night at 11:30. I am going to have to nap when I get home from work so I have more energy! Haha. Maybe I will experience what a traditional interview will be like (talking slow, only lasts 5 minutes). Now I am completely wired and excited, sleep will have to wait.

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