Saturday, April 27, 2013

Class Trip Three

This month I went on yet another class field trip and this time we did something new. We still had lunch at the local Lotteria. Afterwards, we headed to Ulsan Grand Park for the afternoon. I hadn't been there yet so I was pretty excited to check it out. It worked out that it was a beautiful day and possibly the warmest of the year.

The park has North, East, South, and West gates and is quite huge. We ended up going to three different playgrounds. The kids had a great time. One of the play areas had the longest slide I've ever seen. Our last stop before heading back home was to see the "pong pong" park. It is basically a park where the kids can jump on a soft "hill" and slide down it too. They had a really good time. Again, being the worst tourist ever, I didn't have my camera on me and therefore no pictures were taken. I am working on getting better at that!

We ended the day by getting some well deserved ice cream. I feel like these field trips help me get closer to the students and am really valuing the time spent with them.

Walking around the park, I noted how beautiful it is and how much there really is to see at the park. That weekend was the tulip festival so we were able to see the beautiful flowers. You can also rent bikes and take a ride around the park.

Next time I hope to do something new again and I promise to have pictures as well!

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