Saturday, March 23, 2013

Best Class Trip - Part Deux

Today was the second installment of the "Best Class" Contest. This month we based our criteria on their daily spelling/meaning test scores. The class chosen was our top elementary school class. I am quite fond of this class so I was thrilled we were going to be spending a day together.

This time it was just me and the kids, no Korean teacher to assist. I was a little nervous but all was fine. We started by meeting at the school and walking to the bus stop together. Unfortunately some of the students were late so we had to wait 25 minutes for the bus and the students who were on time were not impressed. We eventually made it to Seongnam-dong and started by having lunch. Again we went the Lotteria and I was impressed at how inexpensive it was. For thirteen hamburger sets, it was a mere $45. You would never see that back home. After lunch, the students were given some money to spend downtown and so we did some shopping. Today is my director's birthday and her son is in this class so I helped him buy a gift for his momma. It was really cute. He got her some jewelry.

After shopping, they really wanted to go on this ride called "Nori Zone". I wasn't sure what it was but once we got there and had a look I knew I was NOT going on it hahaha. It was really scary! I found a mediocre video of one on Youtube: Nori Zone  It seems a lot scarier in person. I opted to go on a 4D ride that was also quite scary. It was a 4 person ride in a "Car" and you basically are driving around on the most terrifying car ride of your life, where if it were real life you would have been dead twenty times over. I was amazed at how real it actually felt. We also played some air hockey, which seems to be a favorite with the students.

After this we did some additional shopping and stopped for smoothies. I treated the kids to the smoothies and it was really nice how appreciative they were. By the time we got home I was ready for a nap haha but the students went on to a trampoline place in town.

Overall it was a great day :)

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