Saturday, April 27, 2013

Celebrating My Birthday in Korea

This past week I celebrated my 26th birthday. I was a little weary about it since, well, I am on my own over here in this beautiful but strange country. I might have been dreading it a little bit too. However, my work family managed to make it super special for me.

I want to also include that many of my loved ones back in Canada were also wonderful with sending me some gifts or cards, and I got a lot of attention over Facebook that made me truly feel loved.

My day started with a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen. Kelly's gift to me was making me a birthday lunch. She knows how much I love Korean food and I swear she made/bought a little bit of everything! There was so much food. But that wasn't so bad considering we were able to get three days worth of meals out of it. In Korea on your birthday you make sure to eat "birthday soup" also known as seaweed soup. They eat that soup because traditionally people give seaweed to a new mom because it is really good for the body and helps repair after child birth. From that people started eating seaweed soup on their birthdays.

After we were stuffed from lunch and about ready for a nap, it was time for work! My students were very cute and a lot of them made sure to wish me a happy birthday and a few even made me a card or gave me a little gift! The director's daughter gave me a gift of things she picked out in Seoul. The gift included a new headband, bracelet, pin, and I love Korea earrings! She was so proud of it too. I taught her class that day and she made sure to show all her classmates what she had given me.

After work Jenny and Crow took us all out for dinner to celebrate. We went to the local raw fish shop where we had... Surprise surprise raw fish! I also had some steamed octopus and it was quite good. Six months ago I wouldn't have even entertained the idea of trying octopus let alone enjoying it. The meal was great and they even got me a cake! It was really good and was made from sweet potato I was told.

After the day was over I was quite pleased with my birthday and will remember it for quite some time.

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