Friday, March 8, 2013

Best Class Field Trip!

For the New Year, we decided to make things a little interesting at our school and incorporate a "Best Class" contest among the classes to get the students motivated to do their homework and prepare for their spelling tests. For the month of January, we based our criteria on homework completion. The class that won is one of our more advanced classes at the elementary level. The way it works is that once the best class has been selected, the class is informed and they choose what they want to do and then I take them out for the day as a gift from the director.

For this particular class, they chose to go to Lotteria, which is similar to McDonalds, but a little better in my opinion. We had lunch and then headed for downtown on the bus. Once downtown, we spent a good chunk of time in an arcade and played some games. All the kids wanted to play air hockey against me so I spent a great deal of time playing that haha. After the arcade, we hit up a couple stationary stores. The students we given a 3,000 won spending limit (around $3), so they took their time deciding on what they wanted. One of the students bought me a notebook and pen! It  was very sweet of him, and feels like a parting gift now, as he is no longer a student at our school. Overall the students had a really great time and so did I. The day is also set up so that the students try to use as much of their english skills as they can. I would conclude that is was a success!

We have already chosen our "Best Class" for February and will head downtown again for a new class in a couple weeks. I am really looking for ward to it!

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