Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Second Weekend.

My second weekend in Ulsan was pretty uneventful. I don't think I have fully adjusted yet. I have been staying up super late (5am, 6am) so I have been sleeping in a bit. Saturday Kelly had to work at Prolangs to help some of the elementary students prepare for their exams. I slept in pretty late, made myself breakfast and had a pretty lazy day. Did some laundry though so the day wasn't a total waste. Sunday we had intentions to go hiking a little further away from home, but with my staying up and not able to fall asleep, I slept in until almost 4 in the afternoon. Needless to say, we didn't go hiking and did not do too much Sunday either. I felt pretty bad, but Kelly said that we can go next weekend. I do have an entire year here and should not worry too much about wasting one weekend :).

My job is going pretty well. I am starting to get a hang of  it and have a lot of names down pat too. My schedule this week has been a little skewed with the exam prep and one class has only one student! Naturally I am getting to know her very well haha. I have also been trying to work on my Korean too. Its slow but I can say that I know more today than I did yesterday so that is good, right?

After being here for just over two weeks, I was beginning to think I was the only foreigner because I hadn't seen anyone else around in my area. I decided to post a comment in a group I have joined on facebook called "Ulsan Online". I literally just wrote "Anyone in Namchang?" Immediately I had a couple people answering me and removing my doubt that there were any foreigners here. They all seem very nice and we are going out for dinner on Thursday. I am a little nervous as I always am when meeting new people, but I will have to get over that haha. I am sure they are all really nice people. Many of them are from the States.

Today I decided to dress up for work as it was nice and sunny outside. This was a mistake hahaha. Today was the coldest day yet since I arrived. I wore a black dress with a cardigan over top with stockings of course. By my last class I was so cold my nail beds started to turn blue hahaha. Figures I would do something like that. I remember many a time wearing sandals/flip flops to school on days where it rained. I should really get into the habit of checking the weather in the morning.

Tonight Kelly made us a delicious meal of water dumplings (steamed) and broad noodles in this quite tasty dark beef sauce. And of course we has kimchi and white radish (kkakdugi) on the side. Maybe tonight I will go to sleep early and that way I can get up early and head to the post office to mail off some letters I have written :)

Missing home! But, loving Korea!

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