Monday, November 12, 2012

First Day of Teaching

Hello All,

As I am writing this I am incredibly tired as my sleeping habits have not fully conformed yet.
Today was my first day of teaching and it went very well!

It was a little crazy as there was no real training or orientation. I was released to go and do my thang. I was given an idea to what my predecessor, Lisa had done with the kids in the last week but there was not much detail. There are 4 teachers at the school in total. Me, my roommate Kelly, the director Jenny, and another Korean teacher named Eric. Everyone is so nice and welcoming. It is a little difficult as they all communicate to each other in Korean because it is easier, but hopefully my Korean starts to improve from all of the exposure. The kids are absolutely great. Their ages range from about 8-15. Some of the classes are called Free Talk where we basically just talk about whatever topic is on our minds or we want to discuss. There is also a debate class where we debate on a specific topic. Other classes are focused on listening and writing and speaking. Speaking is definitely the key and most important part.

There are 7 classes that we teach per day and we all teach the same classes but on different days so all students get to learn from all of the teachers. I gave out pencils today and the students LOVED it hahaha it was funny how no one would volunteer answers to me but as soon as I had the pencils out everyone was game.

I did a lot of answering questions and playing various games with the classes today to give them a break and to help myself not be overwhelmed. I find the curriculum and teachings to be pretty relaxed and I am able to be pretty independent. This will be good in the future but a little intimidating right now.

My roommate bought me a welcome tea mug which was really sweet :)

The kids wanted to play this crazy game in one class called "Zombie" where one child is blindfolded and the lights are turned out. The "zombie" is spun and has to try to touch the other kids, meanwhile these kids are standing on desks and yelling at the zombie. It was all really crazy and finally I had to put an end to it lol.  Played some more sensible games like hangman and pictionary that were a little more resemblant to somewhat learning English hahaha

Until next time...toodles!

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