Monday, October 27, 2014

It's Really Happening...I'm Leaving My Life in Korea!

This is incredibly late, but yes, my time in Korea is coming to an end.

It's sad and happy all at the same time. Bittersweet.

I have been very involved in hiring my replacement and taking care of communication and documentation. Today I completed the last stage and booked her flight to Korea. It's really weird being on the other side of that email, two years later.

Korea isn't perfect, and neither were my two years here, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. I've experienced a lot and I think I've grown up a bit as well. I met some pretty cool people and had experiences I never thought I would.

It is time to say goodbye though. I know that it's the right time for me.

On to new adventures!

I'm not sure what they will be yet, but that's the beauty of it.

I might have a few posts to come yet, but if you read my blog, I thank you!


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