Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jinha Beach and Ganjeolgot

This past weekend I was lucky enough to venture out and see our local beach and main sight seeing spot.

Sunday we headed over to Jinha Beach first which is only a 15 minute bus ride away. I don't know if I can call it a bus ride though. It is more of a roller coaster ride. We thought we were going to have to wait for the bus so we got coffee before heading to the stop. We were lucky that we did not have to wait, but this ride was intense. It was like we were playing a game to see who could protect their coffee from spilling the longest. We were sitting at the back of the bus and were sliding everywhere. It was quite comical actually. Needless to say, bus rides in Korea are a little different than in Canada. On our ride home, our bus driver was actually passing cars!

Jinha beach is pretty nice. It's a sandy beach and has a little island that you can swim to. It felt odd being on the beach at the end of January and not being surrounded by snow or ice. It was pretty mild on Sunday too so that helped. It looks like it would be a popular spot in the summer.

After we had walked along the beach for a while, we decided to head to Ganjeolgot, which only one stop on the bus away. It felt like we were further away than we actually were. Again we were along the water, so we got to see more of the ocean, and a few lighthouses. There is also a giant post box and various statues. They also have this place called the Drama House where they used to put on plays but it has been turned into a restaurant now. The building is quite beautiful though. There are also very many food vendors at Ganjeolgot and we indulged in some delicious snacks.

It was an enjoyable outing!

You can see pictures here:

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