Thursday, November 15, 2012

First Week in Ulsan

Hello family and friends, and strangers who may come across this,

I haven't been here quite a week yet, but I wanted to update before I forgot some things :)

My week has been pretty boring for the most part. Well not boring to me but maybe to some of you. It has pretty much been work and sleep all week, but that is normal. I think I am finally beginning to become adjusted to the time change. I was waking up incredibly early at the beginning of the week and not being able to fall back asleep which wasn't fun. Hopefully that is a thing of the past for me now.

Working at Prolangs is a lot of fun. The kids are really great and incredibly cute. My favourite English word they say is "delicious" just the way they say is makes my heart melt. I am beginning to talk at a slower pace than usual, and I have noticed that I say words differently to emphasize the enunciation. I enjoy all of my co-workers and they are quite pleasant and nice. Eric is particularly nice to me and speaks great English. He has hooked me up with a foreign teachers group in the area, and hopefully I can meet up with them at their next meeting. He said to me that the director doesn't want her foreign teachers to meet lots of other expats, which I found odd, but it may be because of the reputation of heavy drinking. I really don't see me having time for that during the week with working until about 9 and by the time I get home, unwind and have some dinner its time for bed. Probably a good thing :)

My roommate Kelly and I had a good conversation today about each other's lives. It was nice. We haven't really had time to do so yet. She told me how old she is and I was stunned! She looks about 15 years younger than she actually is. Her family is from Seoul but she likes it here in Namchang (Ulsan) because its quieter. This weekend we are going to go for a hike in the mountains behind our apartment and maybe head to Downtown Ulsan. It takes about an hour to get to downtown by bus. All the kids say we live in the "country". All in all it looks like it will be a fun weekend and it has been a really good first week. Tomorrow night we are all going out for a welcome dinner which should be fun! next week I plan to start seriously working on learning Korean. It will make life a lot easier!

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