Saturday, September 8, 2012

Farewell Central...(soon)

Yesterday I gave the owner and head cashier each a card stating that I would be officially done at Central as of November 2nd. I mentioned in the cards how grateful I am for the experiences and opportunity I have been given while working there.

Overall they went over well! The head cashier really appreciated it and gave me a hug which was nice. She also told me how much she was going to miss me. Always nice to hear. As for Mike, he said I was breaking his heart haha but he soon realized that we will need to train some people to replace my duties in the office. This made me smile because that was the purpose of my far in advance notification. I know that I shouldn't worry about that kind of thing since I will be gone but I do worry about that stuff because that's just who I am.

It now feels real that I will be leaving Central. It is bittersweet. As much as I am ready to move on and am tired of being a cashier, I have met some really awesome people at the Fresh and maintained some really great friendships that I truly cherish. You know who you are. (I am getting a little emotional).

Central got me through College and University and I have really grown over the last 5 years.

I am so excited to be starting a new exciting chapter in my life, and will take my experiences and memories with me wherever I end up.


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