Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Jinhae Cherry Blossom Festival (April 5th, 2014)

Okay, so I've been a really bad blogger lately. I don't know if anyone reads this anymore, but if you do, I am sorry. I'm going to try and backtrack to my major trips and experiences over the last few months that I missed.

At the beginning of April, the country was covered with cherry blossoms. It's quite a beautiful sight and doesn't last long. Last year I admired them from here in Namchang, but I decided to travel to the main stage this year. That would be the city named Jinhae. It's famous for its cherry blossom festival.

The day was truly beautiful and I signed up for a foreigner friendly tour. It was just a drop off/pick up bus service, but it worked out well. The only unfortunate event was that traffic was brutal and it took us much longer than anticipated to get to Jinhae and back to Ulsan. The trip was through Enjoy Asia Korea incase anyone is looking for that information. $25 can't go wrong.

The place had beautiful displays of the blossoms, it was like a dreamland. Also the leaves were already beginning to fall, so it was a wonderful sight when the wind picked up. There were all kinds of places to see the trees and so I just wandered around and snapped photos. Before I knew it, it was about time to meet up with my group to head back to Ulsan. It was a really nice place to experience, and while I would suggest going with a friend, I still had a good time exploring solo.

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