Monday, January 14, 2013

I do not have much to report, as things have been pretty quiet since my trip to Seoul.

Last week I had my medical exam and it was odd but good at the same time. My director said "Wow!" when they recorded my height at 174.8 centimeters. Its as if seeing the number makes me appear taller. Also, my eyesight my be getting worse, but I should get an eye exam soon to be sure. Everything is normal and I passed so that is good! Tomorrow the director is taking me to the immigration office so we can apply for my Alien Registration Card (ARC).

I made the decision to get a straight perm, or what they call "magic straight" to make my life a little easier. I was skeptical about it but my roommate persuaded me that it would be good. It was an interesting process and took over two hours. I agreed to let her give me my bangs back but then she also thinned it out which was nice. My hair really is straight and all I have to do is blow-dry and go, so that is a definite bonus.

Kelly and I also joined the gym at the local community centre. Its only about $25 per month and takes about 20 minutes to walk there. There are other gyms closer (one on our street!), but they cost about twice as much. This gym has everything we would need so it works well. We have been getting up before work and going. Its tough to wake up early but once we're out there we're glad we went. I am glad we did this together as Kelly is really good at motivating me to get up and go with her. My muscles are a little angry with me right now but they'll get over it soon (I hope!).

Other than that things have been pretty quiet. For the month of January, we finish earlier so that has been really nice. It is helping me keep a normal sleeping schedule. It was getting a little out of control for a while.

I am starting to get quite homesick, more now than at the holidays which I think is strange. It's weird though, I have thoughts of certain places and then imagine the floor plan and things that happened there and how I wish I could go there again. maybe this is normal, but it feels strange.

My family sent me a small care package with a family calendar in it and some more Canada souvenirs. The kids love anything with Canada written on it. They also really like my calendar, they are fascinated to see the people in my life and think everyone is handsome or beautiful or cute. I decided to post the calendar in my classroom rather than take it home so they can look at it whenever they want. It is also nice to have a piece of my family with me in the class.

Well, I hope next time I have something more exciting for you to read. Sending everyone some love from Korea!

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