It was an interesting evening, and we started by going with a friend of Kelly's to Jinha. The first place we went to we had some raw fish. Nothing wrong with that, I've had raw fish before, but this time it was a little different. The fish were still MOVING! This I had not experienced before and it took a few moments of me watching the food in front of me move before I built up the courage to eat some of it. Among the fish there was some long tentacle octopus, and penis fish. Penis fish are actually called urechis unicinctus, and it is a species of marine spoon worm. I was really hesitant but I tried it all and it wasn't all that bad. Maybe a little chewy. In Korea you never have a dry glass, so the alcohol kept on flowing without really realizing it.
Our second stop was a beach front patio and the sound of the waves was very comforting. And it was very cool. Kelly and I were dreaming of living on the beach because of how hot our apartment is without A/C. Our brand of beer changed to Cafri, and I must say I wasn't a huge fan of it. By this time we had had quite a bit to drink and Kelly's friend had driven so I assumed they were calling a taxi, but I was wrong! They have a service here you can call to get a driver dropped off to take your car to where you need it to stay for the night. It was brilliant! It's like a taxi service and car transportation all in one shot! We ended up going to a Karaoke room and another bar at home in Namchang, where I thoroughly embarrassed myself with my awful singing voice.
We finally made our way home at about 3am. This was a little much for me on a weekday, even if I don't start work until 1:30 pm. I will have to remember to keep a little bit of my drink left in my glass so I am not given a full one when I am finished. Eventually I'll get it right. It was a fun evening, but maybe not so fun morning haha.
Unfortunately I was too stunned to take a picture or video of the moving fish, but perhaps I will go again and remember next time!

Here is Kelly and I having some fun.