Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Visa Acquired...Check! Plane Ticket Acquired...Check!

Today is a happy day! I have successfully completed all steps required to prepare for my big journey to South Korea!

My Aunt and I made the trek (with minor detours..) to the Korean Consulate once again to pick up my Visa. This was fairly quick and painless as usual and feels really good to have it in my hands. I officially have my ticket into the country.

I have also recently received my plane ticket. I leave Friday November 9th at 7am. The timing is a wee bit early for my taste but it will have to do :). I will arrive in Seoul (Incheon) by 4:15 on Saturday. One stop over in San Fransisco and about twenty hours later I will have arrived.

It feels very surreal to think that in about two weeks I will be on my way and this dream will become a reality. I am starting to get really excited and it is sinking in that this is actually happening. Along with these feelings there are also feelings of nervousness and a little bit of fear. Also sadness in leaving everyone that I love. But the good feelings outweigh the bad and that is what matters.

Monday, October 15, 2012

I made another trip to the Korean Consulate this morning as I had received my visa issuance number and had to hand in my application to the Consulate. I like going there. Its a really neat building and cool inside. I drove down Chaplin Crescent in Toronto to get there and wow there are some beautiful houses on that street. My visa should be ready for pick-up in about a week and then I am ready to go! No more documents to prepare. Just pack and spend time with loved ones!